Treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment
The Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Act set strict requirements related to the treatment technology of electrical and electronic equipment. State-of-the-art systems allow REMONDIS Electrorecycling to ensure proper recovery and recycling levels for all waste groups. It offers its Clients a guarantee of safe destruction of data stored on data carriers as well as guarantees destruction of any trademarks placed on equipment.
Organizacja Odzysku Sprzętu Elektrycznego i Elektronicznego ELECTRO-SYSTEM S.A.
ELECTRO-SYSTEM performs obligations imposed on the producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment that result from the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act
- collection and recycling of WEEE
- reporting
- eco education
It ensures consulting in the field of environmental protection and support for entities putting batteries and packages on the market and also performs the function of an Authorised Representative of foreign entrepreneurs
It is the first nationwide project for the collection of waste equipment from households, the purpose of which is to provide the public with an easy and safe way to dispose of waste electrical and electronic equipment directly from home and to promote ecological habits by pointing to the need for selective collection of equipment and increasing the amount of waste equipment reaching the right place for its further processing in accordance with the applicable regulations. The project won the 2nd place in the Entrepreneur Effective Raw Materials 2017 competition in the ECO-Hit Service category.
ISO 50001 Energy Management System
REMONDIS Electrorecycling treatment plants have certificates confirming that they meet requirements of the DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 standard as regards recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
The ISO 50001 standard was developed in response to the needs of modern economy, which notices in effective energy management a possibility for practical implementation of the sustainable development principle. On the one hand, energy consumption analysis and constant striving for improving effectiveness contribute to environmental protection, and on the other hand, they positively impact the economy of waste electrical and electronic equipment treatment. Systematic striving to optimise the consumption of individual energy carriers indirectly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and also increases employees’ environmental awareness.
Integrated Management System
In order to meet clients’ expectations and legal requirements, REMONIDS Electrorecycling has implemented and certified an Integrated Management System that complies with the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. Compliance with the established procedures and processes, employee training, conducting subcontractor audits and responding quickly to the comments and wishes of the clients enable constant improvement, increasing the quality of services, and taking successive measures aimed at minimising negative environmental impact.